MakCHS Annual Report 2022

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) annual report for the year 2022. This report provides only a snapshot of activities at MakCHS, as we went about executing our mandates of teaching and learning, research, and service delivery throughout 2022.

The MakCHS continues to lead in its mission to provide transformational education and research to improve service delivery and wellbeing of the communities we serve through our five constituent schools; School of Medicine, School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Public Health, School of Health Sciences and School of Dentistry. I wish to congratulate our gallant staff upon completion of a very productive 2022, as we swiftly catch up with the teaching periods that were lost during the COVID-19 pandemic and maximize the learning we received from the pandemic period.

Our major challenge is the unending drive to keep learning and innovate solutions that are fit-for-purpose to serve our 21st century learners and clients, in an everchanging environment. We are spurred on by the demands of our customers including patients, students, staff and collaborators; as well as our commitment and social responsibility to provide transformative education to health professionals that will transform health care in Uganda, Africa and globally.

We continue to pioneer innovations to develop solutions to provide the most relevant solutions
global health challenges within our context. This pioneering spirit is part of our DNA and we intend to uphold and even surpass our reputation; and most importantly pass on this culture to the next generation of health scientists who must be prepared to address, manage and prevent emerging and re-emerging global health challenges.

I extend my sincere gratitude to all our stakeholders including but not limited to all MakCHS staff, students, alumni, partners, funders, patients and health care providers for your unwavering commitment to serve humanity through your mission at MakCHS. Without you MakCHS would not be what it is. I pray that you all find MakCHS a productive garden for you sow and multiply yourselves into the lives of many.

On behalf MakCHS leadership we pledge our unwavering efforts to facilitate you to maximize your potential, achieve and outperform your goals for the year 2023.

Prof. Damalie Nakanjako