
Responsible conduct of research: enhancing local opportunities

Research integrity is the foundation of credible research and a pre-requisite for a successful academic research environment. Lately, a lot of revelations of fraud and other unacceptable behaviour in research have been highly publicized in scientific journals and mass media. Whereas institutions in developed countries have developed guidelines and regulations to ensure responsible conduct of research and appropriately deal with cases of research misconduct, low- and middle-income countries seem to be lagging behind.

Informed consent in clinical practice: patients’ experiences and perspectives following surgery

Informed consent during medical practice is an essential component of comprehensive medical care and is a requirement that should be sought all the time the doctor interacts with the patients, though very challenging when it comes to implementation. Since the magnitude and frequency of surgery related risk are higher in a resource limited setting, informed consent for surgery in such settings should be more comprehensive. This study set out to evaluate patients’ experiences and perspectives of informed consent for surgery.

Informed consent practices for surgical care at university teaching hospitals: a case in a low resource setting

Informed consent in medical practice is essential and a global standard that should be sought at all the times doctors interact with patients. Its intensity would vary depending on the invasiveness and risks associated with the anticipated treatment. To our knowledge there has not been any systematic review of consent practices to document best practices and identify areas that need improvement in our setting. The objective of the study was to evaluate the informed consent practices of surgeons at University teaching Hospitals in a low resource setting.

Bioethical reflexivity and requirements ofvalid consent: conceptual tools

Despite existing international, regional and national guidance on how to obtain valid consent tohealth-related research, valid consent remains both a practical and normative challenge. This challenge persistsdespite additional evidence-based guidance obtained through conceptual and empirical research in specificlocalities on the same subject. The purpose of this paper is to provide an account for why, despite this guidance,this challenge still persist and suggest conceptual resources that can help make sense of this problem andeventually mitigate it’.
