"Meet the placenta - A love story" talk by Prof. Sanne Gordijn

You are kindly invited to a blended talk by Prof. Sanne moderated by Prof. Josaphat K Byamugisha.

Date: 23rd March, 2023
Time: 9:00am to 11:00am
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArd-mvqT0qGN2wNAIZhx33UxZcJ2VciwBQ
Theme: Meet the placenta - A love story
Moderator: Prof. Josaphat K Byamugisha
Speaker: Prof. Sanne Gordijn

Prof. Sanne's bio:  Name: Sanne J Gordijn (F). Affiliation: Associate professor, Department of Obstetrics, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), The Netherlands. Collaborations and international experience: Close collaboration with prof Yee Khong (histopathology Adelaide, Australia), prof Harry van Goor (pathology UMCG), dr Wessel Ganzevoort, Amsterdam UMC (Obstetrics). She is the organizer of several international efforts to standardise definitions of fetal growth restriction and placenta pathology lesions with the aim to harmonize data. She is nationally involved in the scientific program of the committee of obstetrics and gynecology. She has 90+ publications, mostly on placenta pathology and fetal growth restriction, she wrote a placenta pathology book. She is reviewer for over 10 different international scientific journals. She has been involved in PhD committees and defence ceremonies.Expertise: Diagnosis and management of fetal growth restriction; placenta histopathology, consensus definition procedures, data harmonisation, synoptic reporting.

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