Evidence-based decision-making workshop for nursing and midwifery leaders and managers in Uganda

The Global Research Nurses (GRN) and the Global Health Network are inviting nurses and midwives in Uganda  interested to a one-day workshop on Evidence-based decision-making workshop for nursing and midwifery leaders and managers in Uganda

This workshop is designed to equip Nurses and Midwives in leadership and managerial roles in hospitals, research institutions, Training institutions, Ministry of Health, and Regulation with evidence-based decision-making skills.

Location: Forest Cottages, Bukoto Naguru, Uganda

Language: English
Target Audience: Nurses and Midwives in leadership and managerial roles in hospitals, research institutions, Training institutions, Ministry of Health, and Regulation, etc 

Date: 22nd June 2024  8-4 pm
Event capacity: 62 In-person Attendance

The workshop is free, and a certificate of attendance will be provided to all participants.

The specific learning objectives of the Workshop include

  1. To Understand and define evidence-based decision-making and how research contributes to it.  
  2. To appreciate the process of evidence-based decision-making and policy development.
  3. To appreciate the challenges involved in evidence-based decision-making and policy implementation and how to address them.  
  4. To practice the skills gained using case scenarios through break-out teams during the workshop. 

 To register, please click on this link before the  30th May 2024



For more information on the  workshop please review the website link below 

