Faculty Survey on Mentorship in Inter-Professional Education (IPE)

Dear Faculty,

Makerere University College of Health Sciences is committed to the training of health professionals that are capable of working in inter-professional teams once they graduate. Therefore, the College has for some time been emphasizing the need to facilitate Inter-professional education (IPE) during training of undergraduate students. However, successful acquisition of IPE competencies by students requires faculty to effectively mentor undergraduate students towards this goal. This short survey relates to how faculty can mentor undergraduate students specifically to acquire IPE competencies. Findings from this shall enable to come up with guidelines for mentoring students towards attaining IPE competencies. As a key mentor for students, you are thus requested to take about 10 minutes to complete the survey. To respond to the survey, please click on the link below and respond to the questions. 


Proceeding with the survey would imply that you have consented to take part.