Dean's Word
We thank all staff and students of MakSOD for a job well done since the incenption of the of the 2020-2030 strategic plan. Special thanks to the Heads of Units, programme coordinators and students’ leadership for successfully navigating our school through the congestion of post-lockdown catch-up in academic calendar and for the teamwork exhibited throughout this time. We are delighted to present this report highlighting the performance of MakSOD in delivery of the University’s core mandate of Teaching and Learning, Training, Innovations, Research, Community Service, Partnership/Collaboration and Human Capital development as guided by both Makerere University strategic plan and MakCHS strategic plan.
Although this website information is by no means exhaustive of the accomplishments, misses and challenges in MakSOD, the presentation provides a fair snapshot of the Schools’ approach in delivering on the University’s mandate since inception of the 2020/2030 strategic plan to date. As a school, we dedicate ourselves to using this report as a springboard for continuing improvement in delivery of the University’s desire of being research led.
We thank the leadership of the University Council, University management and MakCHS for all the support rendered to ensure that the nearly formed MakSOD is strengthened. We thank the University Management, Senate and the University Council for granting the Department of Dentistry a School status. We particularly thank the Vice Chancellor for the engagements in University Management that enabled major increase in staff establishment and creation of the Dental Hospital. We will continue engaging you as we work towards upgrading the three Units into departments in accordance with their status regionally and globally, as demanded by the professional Councils and welcome you to the School of Dentistry.