CEBHA+ Annual Newsletter-Vol.5

As they say – time flies when you are having fun! This has certainly been the case for the CEBHA+ project. It has been an amazing 5 years of working together to build long-term research capacity and sustainability for evidence-informed healthcare and public health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Executing the goal and objectives of the project has been a rollercoaster full of ups and downs, but exciting at the same time. Despite the challenges so much has been achieved throughout the years across CEBHA+ work packages of research, capacity building, IKT, and networking.
We hope you enjoyed our previous issue CEBHA+ Newsletter Vol.4-2021. In the current issue, CEBHA+ sites share their CEBHA+ activities, achievements, major challenges, lessons learned and experience working in a large diverse multi-country network. We are grateful to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for initiating and funding this work focused on some key non-communicable health issues in Africa.

Enjoy your read!

Prof. Taryn Young-Principal Investigator, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

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